Mark Wahlberg Donating 1.3 Million Masks to Schools in 13 States

Mark Wahlberg’s Performance Inspired Brand has teamed up with LifeToGo to donate 1.3 million masks to schools across 13 states. In a video shared on YouTube, Mark said, “As you know this has been a year of change and stress for everybody but today I want to thank our essential workers,. You guys have kept…

Runner Deliberately Stops Before Finish Line To Allow Rival To Pass Him {WATCH}

Talk about good sportsmanship! A video has gone viral from Spain’s Santander Triathlon on Sept. 13.  Runner Diego Méntrida was behind James Teagle when Teagle took a wrong turn just a yards away from the finish line. Méntrida passed him, but then noticed what had happened and stopped so Teagle could cross the finish line…

Will Socially Distant Halloween Egg Hunts Replace Trick-or-Treating This Year?

American Carnival Mart, a locally owned novelty supply store in St. Louis, had a surplus of Easter Eggs sitting around and decided to put it to good use for Halloween. The company is selling a Halloween Egg Hunt kit that comes with 50 pre-filled eggs and a sign reading: “Find 2 Eggs. If you touch it, take it. Happy…

Rona, Virginia Based Pufferfish, Goes Viral On Instagram

A Virginia based pufferfish has become the latest sensation on Instagram. Rona The Pufferfish has gained a following of 27.9k followers since her owner, Joe Kogan, launched her Instagram account in March. Kogan, a Washington D.C. resident, told WKTR,that he spent the last six months working to make his four-inch Pufferfish “Rona” Insta-famous. “I went old school put…

Chrissy Teigen Accidentally Reveals Gender of Baby #3: ‘Oops!’

Chrissy accidentally revealed the sex of her third child with John Legend on Instagram Thursday, Sept 17. While sharing an update on her required bed rest she said, “My placenta sucks. It’s always been kind of the bad part of my pregnancies with Luna. With Miles, it just stopped feeding him, it stopped taking care of him. I…
