Moving In-Law?

Jorge and his wife are expecting their first baby in a few months and so they have begun looking at houses. Jorge would like to move in together with his mother because together they could afford a much bigger place, and they’d also have an in-house baby sitter. Jorge comes from a culture where this…

To Go, Or Not To Go?

Joe has planned a big family trip with his parents, wife, and kids. They started planning last fall for this “post-pandemic” vacation to Disney World last fall, and now the kids can’t wait. The trip is scheduled for August of this year, but they recently found out that Joe’s wife is pregnant with their third…

Sleeping On The Job!

Lisa wrote in with The Sitch today about how she is the only one who can see her co-worker snoozing on the job. They recently came back into the office after working from home, and due to the setup it sounds like this one coworker is able to get away with a lot more than…

Blockin’ My View, Man!

Evelyn and her husband are disturbed because their next door neighbors are putting up a big shed that will almost completely block their view of the lake. The neighbors moved in last year while Evelyn and her husband have been there for 20 years. The neighbors didn’t run anything by Evelyn, but if they had,…

Momma Needs Some Help!

Sarah became a mother one month ago. Congratulations Sarah! The only problem is her husband isn’t helping quiet the baby in the middle of the night. He works a tough full time job, while Sarah is a stay-at-home mom. As we all know, being a stay-at-home mom is a full time job, especially to a…

Ready For Round Two With An Ex?

An anonymous Jill wrote us about a former flame possibly being reignited. She’s been in one serious long term relationship which ended a few years ago. Her boyfriend ended it seemingly out of the blue without giving real reasons or any closure for Jill. She was understandably devastated and still hasn’t fully moved on. The…

Conflict Of Interest

An anonymous Jill recently witnessed her manager on a date with one of her coworkers. This is something that’s clearly being hidden from the rest of the employees because it violates a strict policy put in place for all workers at this job. So on the basis of principle Jill feels like this is unfair,…

Stepping Over The Laundry Line?

Kyle in Newport News shares a laundry room with his downstairs neighbors. They have separate washer/dryers, and Kyle’s has just broken down. Curiously, the neighbors’ still works and they can’t get an electrician out until Friday. Kyle needs to do a load before then and doesn’t want to go to a laundromat. He presented this…

Mother And Son Still Kissing On Lips

Adam wrote in with this Sitch about his wife still kissing their 25 year old son on the lips. He’s felt weird about it for some time, but didn’t feel the need to step in. Now he feels like it’s gone long enough and he should probably do something. He thinks their son is over…

My Roommate Literally Won’t Leave The House

Rhea wrote us with her Sitch because she’s at her wit’s end. She is in desperate need of some solid alone time, and the problem is her male roommate won’t leave the house for anything other than work. To make it worse they have virtually the same work schedule so when he is gone, so…
