What’s He Waiting For??

Today on THE SITCH, “Jill” wrote in about her current boyfriend not proposing after being together for 16 years. They’ve been living together for the past 13 and he’s even helped raise her kids. Last year they went engagement ring shopping which led Jill to believe a proposal was on the way. It’s been about a year and still no proposal, so she was wondering what she can do at this point since she would really like to be married again. The only thing is she doesn’t want to give him an ultimatum. The general consensus was that it would be fine to sit down and have an adult discussion about it. One caller pointed out there could be something from his past or his parents which makes him shy away from the idea. Another caller suggested that she explain the tax benefits and if that seems to pique his interest, she could even propose TO HIM! Somehow we hadn’t even thought of that.
