Jessica Alba Is Going on Week-Long Break to Get Away from Her Kids: ‘I’ve Had Enough’ [VIDEO]

Jessica Alba appeared on The Drew Barrymore Show Monday where she opened up about needing a mom vacation.

She said, “Real talk: I told everyone in the family that I need a break from them. [We’re] gonna go away for a week and I don’t really know what we’re getting ourselves into, I just know I can’t be around my family anymore because I’ve literally had it. I’ve had enough.”

She went on to say, “I’ve had it, I’ve had enough and they all come down on me. Every time they ask me, ‘Mom can I download this app? Mom can I get on the Facetime? Mom I’m hungry. Is this outfit okay? Can you help me.’

She realized, “I just start nagging and I’m just nagging and I’m that person and then they are like, ‘Mom, your tone you’re so mean.’ And then Cash is like, ‘I guess I’m just going to go back into my man room,’ And I’m like, ‘What else is new?’ Just disappearing for me to deal with everything.”

She also described the struggle of their nightly bedtimes, “Now imagine, you have my 9-year-old she doesn’t want to go to bed, it’s a fight every night. I’m like, “What? Like you know you need to go to bed kid. This isn’t a thing, we shouldn’t talk about this.”

‘Then she goes, “Well you make dinner so late every time you make dinner.” Here’s the thing, “I’m going to make dinner late. You’re going to eat late. Then you’re going to get your butt to bed right after that and that’s just the way it’s going to be. I don’t know what to say, I’m not perfect. You’re going to eat dinner late.”‘



