Hershey Created a Map to Help Parents Decide If Trick-or-Treating Is Safe in Their Neighborhood

Hershey has helped launch a new Halloween website that shows the COVID-19 risk in your community so you can decide whether or not it’s safe to trick-or-treat this year.

All you have to do is hover over a county in your state to see if it’s in a Green, Yellow, Orange, or Red zone.

Green zones mean trick-or-treating is presumably safe to do while also following safety guidelines like social distancing.

Yellow zones mean that more caution is advised. According to the website, you should “Focus on safety first and make sure you’re only visiting the neighbors that have safety measures in place!” the Halloween website says.

Orange zones suggest exercising more caution and getting creative, like trick-or-treating in reverse where kids stay on their front lawns and adults drive by with candy.

Red zones mean families should consider invite-only Halloween parties, Zoom get-togethers, or just watching scary movies on Netflix to be as safe as possible.

Hershey’s also recommends that trick-or-treaters should only go to houses where the residents have taken the Safe House Pledge.

Via Romper.com
