Penny is a 3-year-old Shepherd mix who steals the hearts of everyone she meets. This sweet, beautiful young pup came to Norfolk SPCA as a 10-week old puppy from one of our transfer partners. She was adopted but sadly returned three years later due to a leg injury. Unfortunately, her new owner just could not afford the costs – over $3,000 for repair.
Jesika from Norfolk SPCA with Stephanie Taylor and Penny
Through NSPCA’s partnership with Noah’s Ark and your donations to the HOPE Fund, Penny was able to receive the extensive surgery she needed to survive.
The surgical repairs were more complicated than originally thought and the recovery time for her had to be planned in stages – with the first being 12-weeks of strict cage rest. Due to this schedule, we had difficulty finding a foster family for Penny. Luckily Norfolk SPCA’s Director of Veterinary Services, Jesika Streeter, jumped in to make sure she was surrounded with the love and care she needed.
Penny, affectionately called “Penny Girl” by Jesika and her family, has become a loving addition to the household as a foster. From cage rest to leashed walks, and finally to short off-leash walks, Penny can now……. RUN! She loves to cuddle and knows basic commands – sit, down, shake, and stay. She just wants to cuddle, protect you and love you for the rest of her days.
If you are interested in meeting Penny, please contact Jesika at [email protected].