The United State Post Office (USPS) is warning against using their blue mailboxes during the holiday season.
USPS officials say that not only have reports of mail fraud and theft been on the rise year-round but the crimes tend to peak during the holiday season, and those blue mailboxes are becoming more frequent targets.
If you do opt to use the blue collection boxes, be sure to do so before the last collection of the day (which is listed on the box), so your mail isn’t sitting overnight—and this is especially true on Saturdays.
Some other tips: hand off your outgoing mail directly to your postal carrier, or take it directly to the post office, never send cash in the mail, if you expect to receive something of value in the mail, let the sender know when (and if) you’ve received it, and sign up for USPS Informed Delivery, so you know when your mail is arriving.
photo credit: gg5795/Shutterstock