Taylor Swift Was Denied a Cameo in Twilight: New Moon, Here’s Why

Taylor Swift is one of the biggest stars in the world.  Fans might think that opens many doors for her, but it was actually her superstar status was the reason she was denied a cameo in Twilight: New Moon.

During an appearance on Ashley Greene’s “Twilight Effect” podcast, director Chris Weitz said Taylor was a huge Twi-hard.  But he didn’t want her appearance to be distracting for the audience.

“I kick myself for it too, because I was like, ‘Wow, I could’ve been hanging out with Taylor,” he shared. “We could have been friends . . . She must have been like, ‘Who is this jerk?’

“But sometimes you make decisions thinking this is for the best of the film.”

(Listen here.  Go to 31:40 for the Taylor comments.)

(Hollywood Reporter)
