Grey’s Anatomy Showrunner Says Season 17 Finale ‘Could’ Be a Series Finale

Kathy Hutchins /

Grey’s Anatomy showrunner Krista Vernoff says she is approaching the Season 17 finale as a potential series finale.

“I’m planning a season and a finale that could function as either a season finale or a series finale,” Krista told THR. “I’m planning for both contingencies and it’s hard and it’s not ideal. It’s not where I wish we were.”

“I’ve told them that I have to know before I’m making the finale what we’re making,” she said. “Because there are a couple of character threads that will change. I’ve got plans for both contingencies. Either there will be closure or I will build something in that allows me to have a bit of a cliffhanger and a thread for next season.”

Sources told The Hollywood Reporter that negotiations have been underway between ABC parent Disney and Ellen Pompeo.


