Children’s Health Investment Program of South Hampton Roads (CHIP)

Be My Guest with Trish O’Brien from Children’s Health Investment Program of South Hampton Roads (CHIP).

The first 2,000 days of life lay the foundation for a child’s future health, academic and workplace success.

Prenatal to Kindergarten, Children’s Health Investment Program (CHIP) is helping kids right from the start. CHIP provides services in Hampton Roads for children through age six and expectant mothers in the focus areas of health improvement, school readiness and self-sufficiency.  

Through our unique team approach, families benefit from the guidance of both a Nurse and certified Parent Educator who meet with them at their home. Using evidence based curriculum, CHIP is improving the lives of the most vulnerable families in our community.

However, we can’t do it alone, with 2 in 5 children in Hampton Roads living in or near poverty the need for high quality early education is critical to the health of our community. Through our supporters of various volunteers, organizations and companies we can invest in each child’s future and empower more children to reach their full potential as adults. 

“Alone we can do little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller 

Learn More about CHIP here.

