Tom Hanks Was The Surprise Host For SNL, Delivers One Of The Most Unique SNL Monologues Ever [VIDEO]

When NBC announced that a quarantined return of SNL was slated to air, no one knew what it would look like or what to expect. But the show surprised viewers with a host, Tom Hanks.

Hanks, who was one of the first celebrities to go public with his coronavirus diagnosis along with his wife Rita Wilson, hosted the show like every time he has hosted only from home.

The 63-year-old actor assured viewers that he is doing much better and that “ever since being diagnosed, I have been more like America’s dad than ever before since no one wants to be around me very long and I make people uncomfortable.”

He also poked fun at SNL’s reputation, “Will it be weird to see sketches without big sets and costumes? Sure. But will it make you laugh? Eh, it’s SNL, there will be some good stuff, maybe one or two stinkers, you know the drill. Stay safe. We are in this for the duration, and we are going to get through this together. We are going to thank our hospital workers, our first responders, and all of our helpers… the men and women who are keeping this country going when we need them more than ever. We’re going to take care of them, and we’re going to take care of each other.”

